Starting a business
When it comes to setting up a business, you're in good hands
Estimated rates according to your situation
Sole proprietorship
Limited company
Veltica Finance - Fiduciaire Suisse provides you with expert advice on setting up your own business.
Sole proprietorship
Craftsmen and doctors often opt for the sole proprietorship. It is suitable for firms whose activity is closely linked to its owner. With a nominative registration, the owner is the sole manager of the business.
The Société à responsabilité limitée (Sàrl) is a mixed form of limited and general partnership. It is ideally suited to small and medium-sized family businesses. The Sàrl is a commercial company with its own legal personality (legal entity).
Limited company
The Société Anonyme (SA) is the most common legal form for limited companies. It corresponds to companies with high capital requirements. However, there are very specific procedures to follow.
Holding / Offshore
Companies whose main purpose is to hold and manage shareholdings in other companies benefit from special tax status. Thanks to this status, these companies are exempt from cantonal income tax.